Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Ranch in Applegate

In the mountains somewhere in southern Oregon is a small town called Ruch. My mom's boyfriend was given a ranch from his dad when he had passed away some 10 years ago. They called it the 'Heart Ranch', I'm not sure why. I do know that it used to be a turkey farm about 40 years ago. However the soil had caught some type of chicken cholera, which killed all of the turkeys in ways similar to a plague.

It was a quiet place without many visitors. The house was rebuilt sometime in the 70's, but it was older than that. It sat on a 100 acre lot right by the Applegate river. It was a quiet place where I would spend hours reading. There were thick covers which fit over the windows during the winter, and with all of the trees casting long shadows it was a naturally dark place to live in.

I had always thought that the house was kind of different. It just gave me such a different feeling when I was all alone. I had heard from family that they had experienced something really weird there, like drapes being flown open, but it had happened just once, and no more. They had their thoughts. I found them interesting. I didn't sense anything particularly harmful.

There were several occassions which I felt were brief encounters. I had a lightswitch in my room that was circular, and you would turn it clockwise for the strength of light you desired. It would always be changing slightly, more and more or less and less. The occassional sound in the dark wouldn't bother me, but occassionally I would sense a chill for no reason.

This 'ghost' if you could call it that, I never saw. I just simply felt when it was around, feeding off of my energy, unintentionally. I reasoned that it was just feeding. Crazy-right? But it all made sense to me.

Man is composed of complex cells, which if broken down to the smallest known size, is comprised of energy in different vibrations. I learned that in physical science. And you can literally FEEL the presence of a good person, or the tensing around a threat. Do people exude vibes? Of course they do, in my opinion. But to what effect do our 'vibes' affect our lives? They certainly evoke reaction from people in our lives. Are our vibes some type of subtle energy projection, one that science has not yet been able to identify?

Some studies of the occult say that mastering your consciousness can unlock certain veils of the mystery of life. I certainly am no master, but I do have an open mind. If the spirit was feeding off of me, I wanted to get a response directly. I decided to set up a control, and set up two extremes. A deep seated feeling of love for my family and appreciation of what I have (which would be a positive vibe) , and letting out my natural fear of the unknown-exploring how much I can be afraid (which would be something naturally strong, different from love).

The ghost seemed to respond to love more, as if it were curious.

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