Thursday, December 18, 2008

Helping the plants grow

I have always wondered how our projections affected our lives. I've heard several theories about projections altering ones life course (this is kind of common sense though). I personally feel that projecting attracts spirits. To what extent does our projection effect the things around us?

I came upon a website on psychic research. It seems they had tried a plant experiment, similar to something I had read in a book called 'The Celestine Prophecy.' Basically, take a few plants, give them constant projections (in loving, neutral and negative tones) and measure their growth cycle in a given period. It's interesting that they claim the plants given positive energy grew to be fuller and more healthy.

This is where I found the article:


  1. Very neat article, is that why they tell people to talk to their plants?

  2. Could it be that projecting positive thoughts on a plant alters the way you view a plant and would take care of it better than the plant you associated with negative thoughts?

    If they did an experiment in which the person projecting the thoughts did not personally take care of the plants (and the person taking care of the plants did not know the thoughts being projected toward which plants), I would be convinced.

  3. They did similiar experiments with music once. As I recall the plants that had nice softer more melodic music grew better than the ones listening to harsh discordant stuff. I'd offer a link to a supporting article but I'm too lazy to google it up. It's probably out there somewhere.

  4. Really interesting blog. I like it :)

  5. In reference to Payno Mindtome, if you look at the Mythbusters experiment it was actually the heavy metal that made the plants grow better.
